Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

AT WORK review

So I finally got around to finishing the new Leibovitz book, AT WORK. My thoughts on the writing...

Leibovitz speaks from a voice that unexpected...being a photographer with a house hold name, anticipation of ego bigger than god was on the brain. Her voice is efficient in communicating the true, non-celebrity Leibovitz, Leibovitz as a photographer not as an icon. At work illustrates the development of her young eye to the present trained vision of herself as an artist. Recommended to anyone over 20...great read!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


The new site is finally up and running...however I am still working on posting more galleries in the coming weeks. -mj

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Attended a family holiday party last night...good old home cooked breakfast!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Robert Frank Documentary

Just finished watching this three part Robert Frank documentary I found on the web the other day. Great to hear him talk about work, art, and life.
part 1.

part 2.

part 3.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

on the road

There are many things I dislike about driving...but there are also many things that I enjoy. Such as all the great signs you get to witness. Here is one I saw the other day that caught my eye. Patriotism at it's best!!!

holiday shopping...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

You Never Know Unless...

I covered try outs for the MLS Chicago Fire yesterday. The great thing about this is that the Chicago Fire was letting anyone try out. Walking into the assignment I thought I would meet more local guys giving it their all for a chance to play in the majors. However, of the 5 or so guys I talked with none were from Chicago. All of them had traveled great distances to show their skills hopefully beginning a professional soccer career. Talking with these men made realize how important it is to TRY no matter how much you might doubt your self. A young guy (I think he was 20) took 4 buses from New Jersey just to TRY OUT...another guy came from Ireland just to TRY OUT...Carlos in the picture above drove 20 hours from Florida with his wife just to TRY OUT... We are on this planet for such a short period of time...why not put energy into something you love and care about? You will never know how good you are unless you try...so what do you have to lose?


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Annie Leibovitz spoke tonight at the Chicago Public Library...with the hectic day that I had I was just able to make it to the event...unfortunately timing was everything especially with limited seating!!! Next time annie, next time...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

radio story

Found this on the web tonight, thought it was worth listening to seeing that ethics are such an important thing in this digitally changing world. The NPR ON THE MEDIA story is about the "ethics of portraiture." Good things to think about...are ethics only personal?


p.s. there is a slideshow link on the page to follow along with the portraits they are discussing.

black friday

I went downtown to the North Michigan Avenue area last night to scope out the craziness. I didn't really get too excited about any pictures other than this one. I think maybe the slow economy has had an impact on the shopping this season. Anyway, this picture makes me think about how much waste us Americans produce...I mean this is most likely from a few hours of shoppers out and about. I guess on the flip side at least this trash is all in a garbage can...could be worse and be scattered all over the earth. Happy Holidays. -mj

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

high school hockey

Just got back from shooting a hockey game between two rival schools. High school kids can be so cruel.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

At Work

Two of my closest photographer friends have already both asked me if I have seen Annie Leibovitz's new book. I hadn't, but was at Borders this weekend and decided to check it out. Hopefully the hype wasn't too big...I really dislike when things get hyped up!

Friday, November 21, 2008

matilda expressions

Two portraits of Maggie's puppy Matilda. These two pictures are right after one another...I don't think the puppy liked the flash!

Monday, November 17, 2008

i wonder...

Found this yesterday as I waited for Maggie to shop at the fabric store...I wonder what Mr. Warhol would say about this if he was still walking this earth. I mean seriously, do people buy this stuff? great video clip below...makes me laugh! -mj

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I don't really watch too much TV and I am guessing this is probably at least a week old...had to post it...fun.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I have had a website for around 4 to 5 years now. I have worked with three different web designers. All three almost worked out. For many different reasons I really enjoyed working with each of these young professionals. I have decided to change things up and use liveBooks.
The new and improved michaeljarecki.com will be LIVE in the coming weeks.
stay tuned!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama Victory Rally

Sorry it has taken me so long for a new post...anyways here are some Obama Rally pics...Tri-X pushed to 1600...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Rally

bought out an old favorite for a historic event last night...Tri-X and the Leica...Obama photos to come...

Monday, November 3, 2008

one day away...

election day...word has it that a friend of mine has a ticket for me to attend Obama's rally tomorrow night in Grant Park....hopefully that friend is not lying...could be a historic night!

halloween party

so I was fortunate enough to make it to a Halloween function last night...here are some portraits of the best costumes...

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Was in the ER for 6 hours last night...lets just say my Halloween wasn't fun...luckily Maggie was with me to keep my senses calm...follow up tests this week.
love life.


photo by Maggie Dianovsky

Friday, October 31, 2008


I came across this after shooting most of the day...I thought to myself...hmmm...what do I hate about my job? Then I came to reality...I have the best job in the world...

Sunday, October 26, 2008


My great friend and mentor Joeff Davis is in town for a exhibition of his work from this years campaign trail at the Hyde Park Art Center. His pictures are featured in a show titled: Political Frenzy: Images from the 2008 Campaign Trail
The photographs have a superb rendition of Joeff's personality as he captures intimacy, political satire within competitive decisive moments...I recommend this exhibit to everyone who enjoys a laugh at the men and women who supposedly run our country...a must see.

have fun



Friday, October 24, 2008


something you don't see everyday.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

fun stuff

this picture was made out side of my apartment the other day. Not sure what you think about the pic, but I really think it is a fun picture. This German Shepard seemed to be very content sitting in the drivers seat.

always be on the look out...

Monday, October 20, 2008

out of town

will be back in Chicago on October 27.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

rainy day...

I witnessed this driving in the rain the other day. I find it is fascinating in Chicago how many people carry around really nice umbrellas knowing that they live in Chicago and the wind can be brutal!


Monday, October 13, 2008


I had the opportunity to document a Jewish wedding tonight. Here is a frame that I enjoyed...moments after this picture the Hora took place...ever witness the Hora???

make pictures...

Saturday, October 11, 2008


witnessed this amazing sunset the other day, thought i would let you all know that I have this crazy obsession with the sky...love it...
keep shooting.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

dogs in church

dogs in church...have to love it when you have been shooting a lot of general or standard assignments and then your editor throws that one unusual assignment at you!
Pet blessing at the Church of the Holy Apostles in Wauconda, Ill.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Chicago Cubs Playoffs...

Cubs vs. Dodgers...game 1...upset for Chicago.


politics in michigan...

Monday, September 29, 2008


Nachtwey up to something big...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

shofar making

Kobi Schindler 10,  saws and antler while Zoharia Lev Drizin 8, both of Oak Park, Ill. watches during a shofar-making workshop put on by the Chabad Jewish Center of Oak Park and River Forest on Sunday, September 21, 2008.  A shofar is a horn that is constructed out of antlers from animals such as goats, rams and sheep.  The shofar is used in the Jewish faith as a sound to start the new year of Rosh Hashanah which begins October 1st.  

photograph culture...
